Kitchen Time with Nanny
This page will be devoted to special workshops I will hold throughout the year. Mostly food related. The food part will be all whole food, plant based, goodies you can learn how to add to your already formidable cooking arsenal!
The mostly part will be other projects like homemade beauty care products. We're gonna have fun this year!
Scroll down to see what's happening and my approach to food (well, everything I guess)
Annapurna Devi
Let me introduce you to the kitchen goddess, Annapurna Devi. The goddess of food and nourishment. There is a story behind her existence (as with all Hindu gods and goddesses) . If you want the full story (yes, you do!) please go to . Food is sacred to me and should be treated with reverence and joy!

Coming Workshops!
Welcome to the second of a series of coming workshops!
This one is titled "What To Do With Tofu" Designed for folks who have little or no experience with this protein powerhouse.
Tofus is a blank slate, lending itself to all kinds of culinary adventures!
We will be preparing tofu three ways. One will be a complete meal and two others will be ways to prepare tofu to be used in many different recipes.
Join me on Saturday, February the 15th from 3:00-5:00PM. In my kitchen and on Zoom (link will be provided the day before the class)
Price for in person $40.00.
Price for Zoom $35.00
This class is not designed as a cook-a-long , but, if you would like to try to do that on Zoom, request a materials list and I will provide one.
Happy cooking!