The Full Story
Hello and thank you for being curious enough to visit this page! I'm not sure I can fit the full story in this small space but I will at least (hopefully) give you some sort of interesting over view. I have been on the planet for a respectable number of years. In that time I have been (and still am lol) the mother of twins, wife, Yoga teacher, meditation teacher, massage therapist, accudetox specialist, dog mommy, artist, plant based nutritionist, gardener, feng shui consultant, baker, vegetarian cooking teacher and very good friend 🙏

My mission has pretty much always been the same: share knowledge, share love, share joy. Using what tools I have to accomplish that in a world that can sometimes feel scary. We are all connected, and the sooner we experience that the more we can all remain present in this miracle of life we have been blessed with.

Lets change hate to mercy and fear to grace. Because that is our natural state. I think most anxiety comes from not living our authentic life. So ,let's connect with each other, share stories, share our gifts, share our love.